Why Barcelona? Because of its exceptional position as Euro-Mediterranean capital, because of the power of an extense and dynamic economic zone, because of the successful foreign investments.

Internationalisation and investments promotion

Providing support for the internationalisation of the area's economic activities and for investments made in the metropolitan area.

Driving the internationalisation

The Agency's role is to help the metropolitan area's municipalities and businesses fabric expand their international presence. Participation in trade fairs and other international events is a way for the area's stakeholders to enhance their performance when it comes to internationalisation and to better position themselves to compete in the global marketplace.

In order to maximise the impact of the actions being taken to boost the region's international profile, it is critical that the institutions working on this issue act in a coordinated fashion. That is why a number of projects are underway to improve the coordination of the actions and strategies that both public institutions and private stakeholders are implementing to promote the region abroad.

The Agency works to expand the reach of these initiatives and to provide support and offer opportunities for internationalisation to the area's business fabric.

In order to reinforce and strengthen the area's business fabric's productive capacity and export potential, the Agency also lends its support to training activities and guides businesses through the export process, all with the goal of consolidating and expanding the presence of metropolitan area companies around the world.


Barcelona-Catalonia, internationalisation of business fabric
Foreign Economic Coordination Committee
Exportmetropolis, supporting exports

Building and promoting the metropolitan identity

Metropolis Barcelona plays a fundamental role in promoting the area's economy to ensure that it is competitive on the international stage.  From a global perspective, however, the Barcelona "brand" now reaches beyond the city itself and the leadership it exercises. The brand now encompasses the entirety of the city's metropolitan ecosystem. The brand's role now is to position the territory as a whole to compete for investments with other metropolitan areas around the world.

In a metropolitan area as important as Barcelona, the support and involvement of all the surrounding cities can help shape a dynamic based on a wide range of identities and realities. The unified effort by the localities guarantees the creation of a shared framework, one that serves and benefits everyone. The scale of the undertaking and the synergies it produces make it possible to take on larger projects that go beyond what would be feasible from a local perspective.

This metropolitan identity is founded on two main pillars. The first is Barcelona's status as a hub of innovation, with all the infrastructures needed to guarantee good connectivity, and the metropolitan area's position as the locus of production and entrepreneurship, a place that hosts a great deal of technological innovation. The second foundation is the value placed upon the area's cultural and architectural heritage, as well as its natural, agricultural and industrial assets. This rich metropolitan heritage, spanning 636 km2 of territory, is of interest both to locals and to potential visitors.


The metropolitan reach of Barcelona's brand
Identification of metropolitan resources and heritage

Attracting and monitoring investments

The main goal of this Agency programme is to facilitate the creation of tools to drive investment in the metropolitan area. The programme's cornerstone lies in the identification of potential targets for investments. The Agency then provides the guidance needed to make these new investments and reinvestments a reality in the metropolitan area.

The goal of all these activities is to drive new investment in the area while helping ensure the continuity and growth of existing investments by providing businesses with aftercare services.

Up-to-date information on the commercial real estate market is made available. This includes information on industrial spaces and land and on office and retail space, as well as on the metropolitan area's latest economic indicators. Semi-annual reports on the status of the commercial real estate market are also issued.

As part of this project, an inventory will be taken of all the businesses and economic activities in the metropolitan area that might appeal to investors. The goal is to offer a service to help investors locate assets in the metropolitan area, including in the retail, hotel, industrial and service sectors.


Search engines and observatory of business real estate
Promotion of investment resources and assets
